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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Writing in Today's Classroom

Teaching today is vastly different from decades ago. We are so focused on raising student achievement, we often times stop and think about what our students are taking away from each lesson, other than a passing test score.

Teachers may wonder things like “How can I get my students to revise, spell correctly, and use appropriate grammar?” or “How can I get my student test scores up?” When we simplify our instructional practices, and put our students first, we can achieve our instructional goals!

Using a “workshop” format is a very popular trend these days. This format should include a minimum of 4 components; a mini-lesson, independent writing, conferencing, and sharing.  I have used this format in my own classroom, and I have seen student achievement soar! Using this format helps move instruction from testing achievement to lifetime achievement. Many teachers have found that by using this format they are able to spend time teaching exactly what their students need. While I recommend using a “Writer’s Workshop” format. this newsletter focuses on simplifying these lessons and raising results!
Check out the video below!


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