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Sunday, April 7, 2013

Engaging Students: Our Ultimate Goal

What is our ultimate goal? This is something that every teacher should consider for every lesson.  I want students to learn. I want students to be proud of what they produce. I want students to write with passion and ease. 

We need to find a way to engage our students and create an intrinsic motivation.

When thinking about my young students, I consistently recall occasions when they get excited about writing; but what exactly were they writing about? That is just the right question. They were writing about what was most important to them.  They were also writing about a topic they had sufficient background knowledge in.

Students should be allowed ample opportunities to write about things that interest them. While this differs from “free writing” they should be allowed to choose their own topics from time to time.

Always remember to allow students chances to “show-off” their writing. Increasing pride, increases results.


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